Introducing my hometown!ーBethan Kushida


I’ve been working here at Kanda for 7 years. I teach Freshman English to students in the English department, and also to students majoring in Indonesian, Vietnamese Thai and Portuguese.
私は澳门葡京赌城_澳门网投平台-【在线*游戏】に勤めて7年になります。澳门葡京赌城_澳门网投平台-【在线*游戏】では、英語の総合的な運用能力を高める授業の”Freshman English”を教えていて、英米語学科の学生だけでなくインドネシア語やベトナム語、タイ語、そしてブラジル?ポルトガル語専攻の学生にも教えています。

I love the outdoors, so I often go hiking and camping. In Japan, I love Kamikochi in Nagano Prefecture, which is a great place to go for hiking and beautiful scenery.

I also really like Shikine Island, which is south of Tokyo. It’s a very small island where there are beautiful beaches and hot springs. It’s a good place to relax!

I’m originally from South Wales. Wales is one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom, together with England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. South Wales has a lot of history, and there are many castles that you can visit.

For me, the best part is that there is beautiful countryside. There are some great beaches as well—it’s a little chilly, but people do swim!

It’s interesting to see the language because it’s not only English in Wales, there’s also the Welsh language. When you go there, you see both languages on all of the signs. Welsh sounds very different to English. For example, when you arrive in Wales, you will see a sign that says “Croeso i Gymru,” which means, “Welcome to Wales.”
ウェールズ語は聞いてみると英語とは全く異なる言語であることが分かると思います。例えば、ウェールズに到着すると“Welcome to Wales”という意味の“Croeso i Gymru”と書かれた看板を見ることができます。

Welsh people are very passionate about rugby, and we have a very strong team. Even though we’re a small country with only 3 million people, we can compete at an international level. When the Rugby World Cup comes to Japan in September and October, I will be going to watch the Welsh team play against Australia!