

Certificate Program

Certificate Program in TESOL / TESOL 履修証明プログラム

Certificate Program in TESOL(履修証明プログラム)は2022年4月より、厚生労働省の教育訓練給付金(専門実践教育訓練)が支給される講座の指定をうけました。
*MA TESOL Programは単位従量制のため、専門実践教育訓練給付金の対象にはなりません。 

The Certificate Program in TESOL has been designated from April 2022 as a course eligible for the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's Education and Training Benefits.
*The MA TESOL Program is not eligible for the Education and Training Benefits.

1 Year Flat-Rate Tuition System(1年定額制)

Number of Credits [10 Credits Required for Completion]
For the Certificate in TESOL, 10 credits are required. The Certificate Program is completed in one year (two semesters), and is a non-degree program. TESOL履修証明プログラムの修了要件単位数は10単位です。履修修了年数は1年(2学期)で、非学位プログラムです。

Program Features

  • A flat-rate tuition system is used.

  • All Certificate Program requirements are completed in one year (two semesters).*

  • All classes are conducted in English.

  • Students may transfer to the MA TESOL Program upon completion of the Certificate Program (on condition of faculty approval).
    Certificateプログラム修了後、一定の条件を満たした者はMA TESOLプログラムに編入可能です。

  • All credits from the Certificate Program are transferrable to the MA TESOL Program.
    すべての単位はMA TESOLプログラム編入後、取得単位として認められます。

  • Students are accepted twice a year (September & April).

  • A minimum of 10 credits and a maximum of 13 credits may be taken to complete the Certificate Program.

  • The Certificate Program accepts teachers from the board of education chouki-kenshu (長期研修) program. Contact the TESOL Office for further information.

  • Certificate students take the same courses as MA TESOL students. Therefore, all admission requirements for MA TESOL students also apply to certificate students.
    MA TESOL Programの院生と一緒に同じ科目を履修します。その為、入学条件はMA TESOLプログラムと同じになります。

* Those who are unable to complete the Certificate Program in one year may complete the remaining credits after one year for 65,000 yen per credit. 1年で修了できなかった場合は、1単位あたり65,000円で残りの単位を取得できます。
Note: Certificate and MA program students take the same classes, and the entrance exam procedure is the same for both programs. However, the purposes and demands of these programs are different. Certificate Program students gain a solid foundation in the principles and practices of TESOL, as well as the tools to critically reflect on their teaching and make informed decisions in their classrooms. MA Program students build on this foundation by undertaking a wider variety of courses in specialized areas of TESOL and pursuing specific areas of interest in greater depth. An important aim of the MA TESOL Program is for teachers to become self-directed language professionals and leaders in their teaching communities. Upon completion of the Certificate Program, students may be eligible to transfer credits to the MA Program. Please note that transfer from the Certificate to the MA Program requires faculty approval. Transfer decisions will be made based on students’ performance in the Certificate Program and their perceived readiness to undertake further studies in the MA Program.


Admission fee JPY 0 *
Tuition Fees First Semester JPY 325,000
Second Semester JPY 325,000
Total Amount JPY 650,000 *
* JPY 250,000 (admission fee) to be paid upon entry to the MA Program. * Graduates of Kanda University of International Studies (both undergraduate and graduate levels) are entitled to alumni tuition fees.  (JPY 650,000 → JPY 450,000)

