

Students Reflect on their Career Plans at Sophomore Winter Camp.

This week, Sophomore Winter Camp (SWC) was held for current second-year students to begin thinking about their careers after graduation. In workshops on career design and life planning, students are given the opportunity to reflect on reaching the halfway point in their undergraduate studies, and renew their motivation for the remainder of their time at KUIS. In the past, Sophomore Winter Camp has been held as an overnight camp at British Hills (Fukushima Prefecture). This year, 286 students participated in the overnight camp at British Hills, and for the first time, a one-day version of the camp was held on campus on February 22nd, 25th, and 26th. Fifty-seven students elected to attend the SWC on campus.

At the on-campus program, students began the day with a lecture prepared by university President Takahisa Miyauchi entitled, “Thinking with our Minds, Playing with Possibilities.” During the lecture, President Miyauchi prompted students to imagine what society will look like in the future. He said to students, “I want you to take a moment to envision what society will look like 100 years from now. Today, you have the chance to consider how you can prepare for that world, and how you can lead a fulfilling life.”

Following the President’s lecture, students attended a seminar by the university Career Education Center. In this class, students were presented with information about past KUIS students’ career choices, and advised on choosing career path for themselves.
President Miyauchi’s Lecture
Seminar on careers
After the morning session, students were divided into 2 groups for break-out sessions.

Break-out session with President Miyauchi: “Innovation to Save the World”

Facilitated by the Office of the President, this session introduced students to “The SDGs Action Cardgame ‘X’ (‘cross’),” designed by the Kanazawa Institute of Technology and REBIRTH PROJECT, Co. In pairs, students collaborated to generate ideas on how to solve problems in society while implementing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

During the activity, students utilized their Resource Cards to think creatively about achieving one of the 17 SDGs. After discussing ideas with their partner, a student from each pair presented their proposal to President Miyauchi in a 1-minute speech.

Life Design Workshop: “Connecting Student Life with Your Life Plan.”

This session focused on helping students develop an image of their lives after graduation, and align their current studies and student life with that image. Prepared by the Career Education Center, this session utilized Life Simulation software to help students anticipate major events and expenses in their lives after graduation. Many students were surprised by the results of their simulations, and came to appreciate the importance of having a life plan. During this session, students were also able to hear the experiences of staff from a variety of work backgrounds.

Meet Your Career

This session, facilitated by the Career Education Center, gave sophomore students a chance to talk to their peers about job-hunting. Sophomore students were split into small groups, and each group was joined by a 4th-year student who had already secured an offer of employment. The 4th-year students shared their experiences with job-hunting, and answered questions about the job-hunting process.
President Miyauchi’s Seminar
Life Design Workshop
In addition to these seminars, instructors from outside the university led panels on topics such as communication, and self-evaluation for job-hunting. The seminar concluded with a casual mixer for second-year students, seminar instructors, fourth-year students, and program staff.

Kota Arai, a second-year International Communication major, said of the camp: “The content of today’s SWC really strengthened my motivation for job-hunting. If possible, it would be great to have this session after our 1st year.” Second-year English major Tamaki Tajima said of the camp, “I haven’t really spent a lot of time thinking about my career, so today’s camp was a good chance to start.”
At the student-staff mixer