入学試験に伴う入構等制限のお知らせ/Campus access will be limited.(2/3-2/6)
Due to Entrance Exams, campus access to KUIS will be restricted during these time period below. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
[Restricted Campus Access]
2/3 (Mon)?2/4 (Tue)?2/5 (Wed)?2/6 (Thu)
2/4 (Tue): Although Entrance Exam will not be held, campus facilities will be closed. Also access to buildings with classrooms will not be allowed.
[Restricted Campus Access]
2/3 (Mon)?2/4 (Tue)?2/5 (Wed)?2/6 (Thu)
2/4 (Tue): Although Entrance Exam will not be held, campus facilities will be closed. Also access to buildings with classrooms will not be allowed.
*Only examinees and authorized individuals will be allowed on campus. All other access is prohibited.
*Entry will be limited to the rotary entrance only (located near Bldg. 1).
*University office will be closed during this period.
Kanda University of International Studies
Admissions, Marketing and Communications Division
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- 澳门葡京赌城_澳门网投平台-【在线*游戏】
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