

澳门葡京赌城_澳门网投平台-【在线*游戏】感染症の影響拡大に伴う澳门葡京赌城_澳门网投平台-【在线*游戏】元年度卒業式の中止について/Cancellation of the 2020 Graduation Ceremony Due to Novel Coronavirus

澳门葡京赌城_澳门网投平台-【在线*游戏】学長 宮内孝久








なお、学位記授与の方法など、詳細については3月6日(金)以降あらためて本学ホームページや学生向けCampus Webにてお知らせいたします。


February 28, 2020

To the graduating class of 2020; parents and guardians,
community members; and current students:

Cancellation of the 2020 Graduation Ceremony Due to Novel Coronavirus

Due to concerns about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), Kanda University of International Studies (KUIS) has made the difficult decision to cancel the graduation ceremony (conferral of diplomas) and graduation party which were scheduled to be held on Saturday, March 21, 2020.

A diploma from KUIS is a shining testament to the strength and perseverance our students have shown in completing our rigorous curriculum, based on the founding principle that “languages are the foundation to link the world in peace.” A graduation ceremony is one of life’s great milestones, and is also a time to celebrate new beginnings with treasured friends and mentors. Choosing to cancel this ceremony was one of the most difficult decisions of the university’s 32-year history. Our faculty and staff are heartbroken when we consider how this decision affects those of you receiving a degree, as well as the families who have supported you physically and mentally through these years.

Given the urgent need to prevent the spread of infection, the government of Japan has asked that large-scale events be either cancelled or postponed. Our decision was made in consideration of the students’ health and safety, and also in recognition of the potential risk for the students beginning their new life in April.

Some of our international students, including those from China and South Korea, may be unable to re-enter Japan after having returned to their homes during the break. Other students may have chosen to remain in Japan, and worry for the safety of their families. During these uncertain times, and at all times, I hope from the bottom of my heart that we as a society can show empathy for others, take care of one another, and extend a helping hand to those in need. As these circumstances have arisen as a result of globalization, it is essential that countries around the world combine their knowledge to work towards a solution. We must always think independently and deeply, and work to coexist in harmony.

I cannot say when it will be, but I sincerely hope we will have an opportunity in the future to celebrate with our graduates. Our faculty and staff all wish to convey their heartfelt congratulations to the graduating class of 2020, with the greatest hope for happiness in this next stage of your lives.

Information on how to receive your diploma will be published on our university website and on the student portal of Campus Web after Friday, March 6th.

We appreciate your understanding of the university’s decision at this time and humbly ask for your continuing support.

Takahisa Miyauchi
Kanda University of International Studies

お問い合わせ先/Contact Information

澳门葡京赌城_澳门网投平台-【在线*游戏】 総務部総務課

General Affairs Department (somu-bu),
Kanda University of International Studies

〒261-0014 千葉県千葉市美浜区若葉1-4-1 澳门葡京赌城_澳门网投平台-【在线*游戏】1号館2階
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