

澳门葡京赌城_澳门网投平台-【在线*游戏】感染症の拡大にともなう学生支援について/Regarding student support due to the spread of new coronavirus disease (COVID-19)



学長 宮内孝久



緊急事態宣言が延長され、先行きの見えない困難な状況が続いておりますが、先人が築き上げたこの自由な市民社会の秩序を、今後も維持?発展させるためには、私たち一人ひとりが強い心がけを持つ必要があると考えています。本学は澳门葡京赌城_澳门网投平台-【在线*游戏】感染症の脅威に決して屈しないために、この人類の英知が試される重大局面を、新しい価値を創造するための機会として捉え、「Innovation KUIS 2020」をスローガンに、3月中旬よりデジタル化による新しい学修手法や技法の開発、そして環境整備に取り組んでまいりました。

その一環として、例えば、オンライン授業への切り替えによって学内の通信機能が麻痺しないように、ネットワーク環境を補強?整備したほか、大学附属図書館で契約している電子資料(データベース、電子ジャーナル、電子書籍)の充実に取り組んでおります。さらに、新しい学びに挑戦し、これまでにない価値観や創造力を獲得してもらえるように、全学生(留学生、休学者を含む)に「Innovation KUIS 奨学金」として、一律50,000円を支給することを決定いたしました。この奨学金は、皆さん自身のデジタルリテラシーの向上や新しいオンライン環境への適応のために、ぜひ有効活用してもらいたいと考えております。


1. 全ての学生(学部生、院生、別科生、休学者)に対し「Innovation KUIS 奨学金」として、一律50,000円を支給します。
2. 一定の条件を満たす経済困窮者を対象とする、本学独自の給付型奨学金制度を新たに設け、経済的支援を行ないます。
3. 本学独自のアルバイト(学内の事務局サポート、ティーチング?アシスタント業務)の機会を検討し、提供します。
4. 学費の納入期限を大幅に延長します。(2020年後期:8月31日?11月30日)
5. 認定留学を途中で切り上げざるを得なかった学生に対し、「国外留学奨学金」返還を免除し、給付します。
6. 総合的学生相談窓口を設置し、全面的に在学生をサポートします。


以上の「6つの学生支援方針」を可及的速やかに整備?実施いたします。予断を許さない困難な状況が続いておりますが、教職員とともに、この「Innovation KUIS 2020」期間におけるすべての学び、そして経験を、新しい時代を創造する力へと変えていきましょう。この期間を乗り越え、たくましく成長された皆さんとキャンパスでお会いするのを大変楽しみにしています。

May 13, 2020

To all KUIS students, parents and guardians

Regarding student support due to the spread of new coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

The university started offering classes online from Monday, April 27. Both teaching and administrative staff have worked together in order not to compromise the quality of education we provide or to omit any content. With the understanding and cooperation from all our students, parents, and guardians, we have so far been able to offer classes online without major problems.

With the state of emergency declaration extended and having to face a difficult and uncertain future, we believe it is necessary for us to remain strong and for us to continue to maintain and develop the order of this free civil society built by our predecessors. In order to not give in to the threat of the new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), we see this critical phase in which we are being tested, and we can use it as an opportunity to create new value. Under the slogan, “Innovation KUIS 2020”, we have been working on the development of new learning methods and techniques brought in by digitalization, and the improvement of the environment.

As part of this, we have been working on reinforcing and maintaining the network environment, as we switched to online classes, to ensure that the communication function on campus will not be paralyzed; the university library has also been expanding its selection of electronic materials (database, electronic journals, and electronic books). Furthermore, in order to encourage all of our students to challenge themselves to new kinds of learning, and to acquire value and creativity that they have never considered before, we have made the decision to give each student (including international students and students currently on a leave of absence) a 50,000 yen of “Innovation KUIS Scholarship”. We hope that this scholarship is used effectively to improve their digital literacy and to adapt to the new online environment.

In addition to the above mentioned scholarship, as a general student support measure due to the spread of new coronavirus disease (COVID-19), we have formulated the following six student support measures (a total of 300 million yen). By developing and implementing them as soon as possible, we aim to further improve the educational environment while providing a variety of learning support for all our students.

"Six Student Support Measures"
1. A 50,000 yen "Innovation KUIS scholarship" will be given to each student (all students enrolled in undergraduate, graduate, and bekka programmes including students on leave of absence).
* We will inform you of the payment timing and method as soon as it is decided.
2. A new scholarship system unique to KUIS will be established to provide financial support for those who are economically disadvantaged and meet certain conditions.
* We will inform you of payment timing and method as soon as it is decided.
3. Part-time job opportunities unique to KUIS will be considered and offered.
4. The payment deadline for 2020 academic year tuition will be extended significantly.(Second semester: Deadline extended to November 30 from August 31)
5. Students who had to cut short their accredited study abroad program will be exempted from returning the “Overseas Study Scholarship”.
6. A general student support service will be available to all our current KUIS students.

Please also make use of various support systems provided by other institutions.

We will develop and implement the above "Six Student Support Measures" as soon as possible. We are still in a critical condition but along with all our teaching and administrative staff, let us all work together to transform all the learning and experiences gained from this "Innovation KUIS 2020" into the power to create a new era. We look forward to meeting you all on campus.

Takahisa Miyauchi
Kanda University of International Studies