

本学施設の利用について/Updated Facility Usage Hours & Partial Reopening of Facilities on Saturdays

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詳細はCampusWeb上でご案内しています。各施設の利用を希望する場合には、これまでと同様に事前に予約の上、学生証を持参して大学にお越しください。事前に予約をしていない施設には入館することができませんのでご注意ください。学食は平日11:00~14:00、土曜日11:00~13:30の間ラパスのみ営業します。2階バルコーネも開放します。感染予防のため、利用できる座席を指定(1テーブルにつき1人ずつ着席)しています。学食以外のエリアでの食事は不可とします。持ち込んだ食事もラパスまたはバルコーネで食べるように、ご協力をお願いします。クラスター発生の要因ともされる食事中の大声での会話、またソーシャル?ディスタンスの絶対確保のため 席の移動や教室への持ち出しは厳禁とします。

  • マスクを着用の上でお越しください。
  • キャンパスへの入構時には、検温をします。日常より体温が高く、風邪などの症状がある方は、入構をご遠慮ください。
  • 各施設への入館にあたっては、手指の消毒をお願いします。
  • 各施設内では、人と人との距離を確保するため、利用できる席を限定しています。
  • 感染拡大を予防する「新しい生活様式の実践例」を参考に、「3つの密」の回避や、「人と人との距離の確保」「マスクの着用」「手洗いなどの手指衛生」をはじめとした基本的な感染対策を継続して行きましょう。感染拡大を予防する「新しい生活様式の実践例」を参考に、「3つの密」の回避や、「人と人との距離の確保」「マスクの着用」「手洗いなどの手指衛生」をはじめとした基本的な感染対策を継続して行きましょう。

Regarding the Use of University Facilities

First, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to all KUIS students, parents, and guardians for your understanding and cooperation regarding our Coronavirus response measures.

Our priorities in responding to this global crisis have been to protect the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff, as well as their families, and community members, and also to continue providing students with high-quality education. Based on these two priorities, the university announced its decision to continue online lessons for the second academic term, which will commence on Monday, September 14. However, one section of classes will also be offered on-campus, contingent upon the strict adherence to infection prevention measures. Furthermore, in imagining a “new normal” for university education, we are also preparing to open large- and medium-sized classrooms for students to use as a setting from which to attend their online lessons.

As announced in previous communications, beginning in early June, the university library, Career Education Center, Media Plaza, ASC, KUIS 8, and MULC have been reopened in a limited capacity. During the second term, these facilities will resume their normal hours, although seating will remain restricted to avoid the 3 Cs (Closed spaces, Crowded places, and Close-contact settings).

Further details on these policies have been published on CampusWeb. In accordance with current policies, we ask that students continue to use each facility’s online reservation website when they wish to enter the campus, and bring their student ID. Students will be denied entry to any facilities which they have not specifically reserved in advance, so please be careful. The campus cafeteria has resumed service at LaPaz from 11:00 to 14:00 on weekdays, and from 11:00 to 13:30 on Saturdays. Lapaz and the 2nd floor dining area will be open. To reduce congestion and close-contact, seating has been limited to one person per table. Students are not allowed to eat outside of the designated areas. If you bring your own food to campus, please eat it in the LaPaz or Balcone dining areas. As it may contribute to an outbreak of infections, please refrain from conversing at a loud volume. To ensure social distancing measures, it is prohibited for students to rearrange seats in the dining areas, or to take food into the classrooms.
Requests for Students:
  • Please wear a mask when you come to campus.
  • All visitors to campus will be subject to temperature checks. If your temperature is high, or if you have cold-like symptoms, please refrain from visiting the campus.
  • When entering campus buildings, please use the hand sanitizer provided at the entrance.
  • To ensure social distancing, seating has been partially restricted.
  • Please continue to adhere to the practices outlined in the “Atarashii seikatsu youshiki no jissenrei” (English: “Example of Practicing ‘New Lifestyle’”), including avoiding the 3 Cs (Closed spaces, Crowded places, and Close-contact settings), social distancing, wearing a mask, and practicing handwashing and hand hygiene.