

修士課程(MA TESOL Program)

MA TESOL Programは、主に現職英語教員を対象とし、外国語学習?教育の最新理論を理解した上で、教育学的知見に基づいた意思決定を行うことのできる教育者の育成を目指します。

The MA TESOL Program aims to cultivate educators who can make informed pedagogical decisions based on the latest theory and knowledge of foreign language learning and teaching.


Information Sessions / Current Events

Cultivating professionals in English education

About MA TESOL Program


澳门葡京赌城_澳门网投平台-【在线*游戏】大学院言語科学研究科英語学専攻(修士課程)のTESOLプログラム は、主に現職教員を対象とし、外国語学習?教育の最新理論を明確に理解した上で、自らの教室実践に関して教育学的知見に基づいた意思決定を行うことのできる教育者の育成を目指します。教室現場の多様性と複雑性を認識し、教師が学習者のニーズに適切に対応するために必要な幅広い専門知識?指導法を習得するための支援を行います。さらに、自己観察と自己評価の習慣を育成することで、教師としての長期的な成長のための基盤を提供します。本課程修了者は、英語教育において先導的な役割をはたすことができる英語教育の専門家となることが期待されます。

The Master’s Program in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages(TESOL)has as its mission helping teachers, both in-service and pre-service, to become reflective practitioners who can make pedagogically sound decisions about their classroom practices based on a well-articulated understanding of current theories of language and second language learning and teaching. Recognizing the diversity and complexity of today's classrooms, this degree program aims to help teachers develop an extensive repertoire of instructional methods and strategies as well as the professional knowledge and skills to enable them to take appropriate action to address the learning needs of their students. Furthermore, the program aims to provide a solid foundation for long-term teacher development by helping cultivate the habit of self‐observation and self-evaluation. Graduates of this program will be self-directed language professionals well-prepared to take a leadership role in the community of TESOL teachers.


  • All classes are held at the Tokyo Campus in Kanda.

  • The program is designed mainly for in-service teachers of English.

  • All classes are conducted in English.

  • The program is designed for both native and non-native speakers of English.

  • Classes are held on weekends. (Required courses are scheduled only on Sundays.)

  • Students are accepted twice a year (September & April).

  • The program can be completed in a minimum of two years or a maximum of six years.(Students typically take two and a half to three years to complete it.)*
    最短2年で修士号を取得可能です。 また、修業年数は6年を最長とします。(平均2年半から3年で修了しています。)

  • A credit-based tuition system is used.

  • Credit exemption based on teaching experience is offered (1~3 credits).

  • Eligibility for specialized teaching license in English (senshu-menkyo : English).

*A maximum six years enrollment in the MA TESOL Program is applied to those who enrolled in the program since April 2020.

TESOL Program Objectives

By completing the program, students will
1. Gain a comprehensive understanding of the nature of the English language system (phonology, morphology, syntax, discourse, and pragmatics).
2. Reflect on their teaching-learning situations so as to not only articulate how theories can inform and guide their practice, but also to evaluate the relevance of theories to their practice.
3. Critically analyze and evaluate a broad range of language teaching methodologies, approaches, and techniques and how they can be implemented and adapted according to instructional needs.
4. Understand the complex social, cognitive, and affective variables which influence students’ learning.
5. Understand the intersection between culture, communication, and language use with reference to language teaching and learning.
6. Demonstrate effective teaching skills in their own classroom settings.
7. Develop an awareness of the complexity of classroom dynamics.
8. Identify the qualities and strategies of effective language learners and apply different ways to foster learner autonomy.
9. Identify different ways to devise and implement appropriate techniques to assess students’ language proficiency for placement, evaluation, and instruction.
10. Continue to learn as language professionals and assist other teachers in furthering their professional development.
11. 【For Japanese teachers】Acquire a high level of English proficiency in all four skills necessary for their English-teaching profession and also learn ways to continue to develop their proficiency.
12. 【For Japanese teachers】Demonstrate the ability to conduct English classes through the medium of English.


KUIS MA TESOL Program Alumni Chat

澳门葡京赌城_澳门网投平台-【在线*游戏】 大学院「TESOL MA Program」

Teaching Staff


The total number of credits required for completion of the Master’s is 31. A program capstone assignment (The MA Research Project) is undertaken in the final semester and requires approval by the MA TESOL Steering Committee. Credits for graduate coursework completed in a related field may be transferred to the Master’s in TESOL. Credit transfer decisions will be made on an individual basis with consideration of the courses offered in the MA TESOL program.

修士課程修了に必要な総単位数は31単位です。最終学期にはプログラム?キャップストーン課題(MAリサーチ?プロジェクト)が課され、MA TESOL運営委員会の承認が必要となります。TESOL修士課程では、関連分野で修了した大学院の授業の単位を移行することが可能です。単位の移行は、MA TESOLプログラムで提供されるコースを考慮し、個別に判断されます。

Course Schedule / Calendar

Recent Schedule

2024 Spring/Summer

2024 Fall / Winter

2023 Spring / Summer

2022 Fall / Winter

2022 Spring / Summer

Scheduling Options for Different Course Types

Admission Information

Applications for the 2025 Spring entrance exam will be accepted from 12/2 (Mon.) to 12/18 (Wed.), 2024.

Certificate Program in TESOL / 履修証明プログラム

It is possible to start your studies with the one-year fixed-rate Certificate Program (designated for Specialized Practical Education and Training Benefits) and transfer all credits to the MA TESOL Program.

Other Information


Kanda University of International Studies

MA TESOL Program, Graduate School of Language Sciences (Tokyo Campus),

4F, Building7 2-13-13 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-8525, JAPAN
※Please delete brackets when you send e-mail.

Office Hours:Mon., Thurs. and Fri. 10:00~18:00, Sat. 12:30~20:00, Sun. 9:30~17:00 (Closed on Tues., Wed. and National holidays)